
Who we are

Dr. Cruz graduated from college in 1988 with a B.S. in Medical Technology. Prior to Medical School, she taught English for one year in Bangkok Thailand. In 1989, Dr. Cruz began her formal career in medicine by attending Loma Linda University School of Medicine in California. During medical school, Dr. Cruz was part of a student / staff physician team, which provided relief work to the natives along the Amazon River. She graduated from medical school in 1993 and then went on to do her Internal Medicine Internship under the auspices of the U.S. Navy at the Naval Hospital, Oakland, California.

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Dr. Liz Cruz Partners in Digestive Health provides the following services to its patients. Click on each one to learn the definition, preparation, expectations and results of each.

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

Sigmoidoscopy (SIG-moy-DAH-skuh-pee) enables the physician to look at the


Colonoscopy (koh-luh-NAH-skuh-pee) enables the physician look inside your entire

Upper Endoscopy

Upper endoscopy enables the physician to look inside the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum

Capsule Endoscopy

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis

Non-Surgical Hemorrhoid Treatment

Capsule Endoscopy is a procedure that involves swallowing a small imaging capsule

H-Pylori Breath Test

Hemorrhoids are vascular “vein” / cushion structures in the anal canal which

Dr. Liz Cruz is Partners to your health for you
and your loved ones

After years of offering her digestive wellness knowledge, products and services to her patients and seeing amazing results time and again, Dr. Liz Cruz didn't want to stop there. "This information and these tools need to be shared with everyone now more than ever! It's never too late to change how you feel."– Liz Cruz M.D.

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Holistic Approach

