Clinical Research

Clinical Research Study Available

Get paid to have your screening colonoscopy!

Research Study Inclusion Criteria

O Women and men 45–85 years of age eligible for a colorectal cancer screening colonoscopy.

O Willing and able to provide blood samples within one week of screening colonoscopy.

O Willing and able to provide written informed consent.

O Willing and able to provide blood samples over the course of the next 1-3 years.

Earn money participating in this study. Let us know if you meet the criteria and are interested in participating.

Estudio De Investigación Clínica Disponible

¡Reciba dinero por hacerse su colonoscopia de detección!

Criterios De Inclusión Del Estudio De Investigación

O Mujeres y hombres de 45 a 85 años de edad elegibles para una colonoscopia de detección de cáncer colorrectal.

O Dispuesto y capaz de proporcionar muestras de sangre dentro de una semana de la colonoscopia de detección.

O Dispuesto y capaz de dar su consentimiento informado por escrito.

O Dispuesto y capaz de proporcionar muestras de sangre en el transcurso de los próximos 1 a 3 años.

Gana dinero participando en este estudio. Háganos saber si cumple con los criterios y está interesado en participar.

Dr. Liz Cruz is Partners to your health for you
and your loved ones

After years of offering her digestive wellness knowledge, products and services to her patients and seeing amazing results time and again, Dr. Liz Cruz didn't want to stop there. "This information and these tools need to be shared with everyone now more than ever! It's never too late to change how you feel."– Liz Cruz M.D.

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